Christmas and New Year Update

Photo Pierre Bamin, Unsplash

Christmas is a busy time of year and it has played havoc with some of the plans but 2023 is just round the corner and it’s going to be great!

Media Makers 2 are going to be playing catch-up after illness and work experience days meant cancelling the last two sessions in December. So, we’ll be back in the New Year to carry on – there’s more editing to do and an film screening to organise and agreeing the next steps – because it doesn’t end there. There are other little films to make and more specialist workshops to run at weekends.

Young Leaders, have had a fantastic year. Many of the group who have been running activities with younger children are near to completing their ASDAN leadership qualification which will be great for their CVs but more importantly for themselves and their own personal development. Young Leaders will be starting back as normal at Youth Club after New Year.

We expect there to be more parkour as the weather improves, new workshops and a summer event – and, if all goes well, we’re hoping to be able to hold an outdoor cinema night to the mix, so watch this space.

Finally – a huge thank you to our fantastic Young Leaders, our Media Makers, the young people who’ve run, jumped and skated, painted and bounced at events, the organisations who’ve hosted and supported us – the Gillingham Town Council, the Slade Centre, Gillingham Youth Centre, Riversmeet Leisure Centre, Gillingham School.

We hope you all have a great Christmas and look forward to seeing you in 2023.